About Us

Sangeeta Ghosh

Founder & Chief Mentor

How stress harms children. Leads them to early diabetes and health issues. Hence she founded a methodology dedicated to education with a lot of motivation and association with the child.

We fail to understand the cognitive sciences and deal with our children like our ancestors.

The changing scenario of society, and the environment leads some of our children with some issues to cope up.

Marks are a manifestation of holistic mental development. We address a child holistically and not by beaten-track methodology.


Holistic Approach to Education

Our Mission

Children are delicate, extremely vulnerable and immature, sometimes very confused. Hence they need to be handled very carefully with a lot of compassion and love. Age old idea of strict punishment, humiliation breaks the self confidence of the child permanently. This also harms them in future life. We are totally against any such activities.

Our years of experience in handling children has helped us find that, anxiety and stress in children leads to irrational behaviour, take drastic decisions ,and at times mental health problems too. This affects their performance in exams. So we take care of each aspect of every child. It is way beyond just studies in boring mundane atmosphere. We practice interactive method of teaching, so that the children learn with fun and compassion.

We believe children are building platforms of the Nation. They are not to be churned out in mass scale and squeezed for marks.  We take effective measures for the child to like and love studying. Results will automatically come out.

We seek your continuous support to help us achieve our mission.

A Few Words About

Our Team

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." – Henry Ford

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 Bengaluru, Karnataka 560097.

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